How to contribute

Great! You’re most welcome to contribute. Don’t be shy, anything that you consider even remotely relevant already has 1 (potential) reader. :smile: Just get a quick ‘n’ dirty draft out quickly. Or edit somebody else’s quick ‘n’ dirty draft. And along the way, you can learn some awesome stuff about Git and Jekyll. These pages are built from a Git-repository, living at

(Automatic) Table of Contents

The above table of contents was generated by:

- TOC-placeholder-line

where the placeholder may also start with * and is not displayed.

Posts vs. Pages

Posts and pages live as mardown-files (.md) in the directories _posts and _pages (surprise). They need a header, where the minimal example (of this very page) is:

title: "How to contribute"
layout: page

Alternatively, post instead of page (duh!). There’s also one other point, where posts and pages differ: the filename. For posts it is always in the format: _posts/YYYY-MM-DD-<title>.md (where title may differ from the title in the frontmatter). For pages it is either _pages/<title>.md or _pages/<title-as-directory>/

Optional header information: category with space-separated keywords.

Expert note: Further possible information for the header is date and permalink. We don’t use any of these (at least not as defaults), because the date (for posts) is derived from the filename and the permalink as well (as set in _config.yml). If you ever want to set a permalink, remember forward-slashes on both ends, like permalink: "/about/".

Background: Difference between Posts and Pages

Jekyll differentiates between posts and pages. While the former serve the role of blog posts (usually with timestamps), the latter can be thought of as static (for example the “About”-page).

To link to a post, we use :

{% post_url 2016-11-03-multimedia-metadata %}
{% post_url /subdir/2010-07-21-name-of-post %}

without the filename-extension.

To link to a file in docs, we use :


CAVE: The link-tag as suggested here was not recognized neither by my local nor by github’s jekyll-installation. Yielding :

Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 34): Unknown tag 'link' in _pages/latex/
jekyll 3.1.3 | Error:  Liquid syntax error (line 34): Unknown tag 'link'

Language: English

see the corresponding how-to-page

Markup: Markdown

see the corresponding how-to-page


- Guidelines for Contributing (Github)