
Der Bücherwurm

I am a researcher, teacher, and administrator with interests in information hiding and retrieval. So, I do cryptography and machine learning. My research page offers more detailed descriptions. I also enjoy the occasional game theory and play volleyball.

You can find my articles under publications and the accompanying python programs under software. My courses and presentations are filed under teachings and talks, respectively. There’s also a blog with FAQs, HOWTOs, etc.


This is a relaunch of my homepage at zieglerk.net using jekyll instead of pure-html. Most of the static content is in English (legacy), while the blogging has gradually moved to German.

Previous verisons of these pages, were a pure-html page (also hosted under this URL) and wordpress-blog followed by joint blogging at Passau Graduate Student Brown Bag Seminar (PGBBS).

Source: "Der Bücherwurm" (cropped) by Carl Spitzweg via Wikimedia Commons, CC0 (Public Domain)